Alpha 5 is here! On the 30th anniversary of Marathon's release! Now with a Linux version, even! However in order to make this happen loading screen privileges w...
Alpha Demo Number 4 will be available tomorrow - here are the changes made compared to Alpha 3: - Most of the Military Base levels (save one) are more or less f...
Tomorrow I'll be releasing Alpha Demo 3 for Silicon Scars, which will also be the first version made within Unreal Engine 5.1, so there might be a few quirks he...
Ugh... First things first: the game is still being made/worked on - that has not changed. So for this entire time Silicon Scars has been running on Unreal Engin...
Just in the nick of time, I managed to put together the second alpha demo for the game! Changelog: - Regenerating health system placeholder is gone, replaced wi...
The second alpha demo for Silicon Scars will be available VERY soon - like hopefully in the next day or two. Here's a brief changelog: - The placeholder regener...
Hello everyone! Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who downloaded and played the game, as well as those who gave their feedback. The two main takeaways were ba...